SURFACE CHEMKIN-III: A Fortran package for analyzing heterogeneous chemical kinetics at a solid-surface - gas-phase interface
User Manual Example
Chemkin Download
This document is the user`s manual for the SURFACE CHEMKIN-III package. Together with CHEMKIN-III, this software facilitates the formation, solution, and interpretation of problems involving elementary heterogeneous and gas-phase chemical kinetics in the presence of a solid surface. The package consists of two major software components: an Interpreter and a Surface Subroutine Library. The Interpreter is a program that reads a symbolic description of a user-specified chemical reaction mechanism. One output from the Interpreter is a data file that forms a link to the Surface Subroutine Library, which is a collection of about seventy modular Fortran subroutines that may bemore »
User Guide
A Tutorial on Chemkin Niket Kaisare () Indian Institute of Technology – Madras Original Presentation: Dr. Ashish Mhadeshwar (June 2004) Why use Chemkin? Efficient handling of large reaction mechanisms 2. Generalized framework, simple and standard inputs 3. Minimization of common mistakes 4. Common platform for distributing new.