Install Nas On Iomega Storcenter Nhdd2m

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Iomega Storcenter Software Download

May 26, 2010  Iomega Storcenter ix2 – the update hack. May 26, 2010 creativity, Linux flash, hack, iomega, ix2, NAS, ssh, storcenter Kris I’m posting this basically because I know others are. NHDD2M is the model number. I am not sure how to ascertain which version of Lifeline it is running. I see no reference to lifeline in the file structure? Here is a snip from admin web interface: Model Name:Iomega StorCenter ix2. Serial Number:00D0B8030A67. Software Version:1.1.18.-11-12 12:36.

(Est.) release date: February 2008
Country of manuf.: China

Iomega Storcenter Ix2 Manual Download

Power:12 VDC, 4 A
Connector type: barrel plug


Iomega Storcenter Firmware

FLA1:4 MiB
4,194,304 B
32,768 Kib
4,096 KiB
32 Mib
0.00391 GiB
(Spansion S29GL032N90TF02)
RAM1:128 MiB
134,217,728 B
1,048,576 Kib
131,072 KiB
1,024 Mib
0.125 GiB
(Hynix H5PS5162FFR-Y5C)

Iomega Storcenter Ix2-200


Expansion IFs: SATA, USB 2.0
USB ports: 2
SATA ports: 2

ETH chip1:Marvell 88F5182
LAN speed: 1G
LAN ports: 1

Additional chips
I2C Serial Real Time Clock;Maxim Integrated;DS1337;;1;
Low Voltage Buffer/Line Driver;On Semiconductor;74LCX244;;1;
30V, 8.8A P-Channel MOSFET;Fairchild Semiconductor;FDS4435BZ;;2;
Quadruple Positive-NAND Gates;Texas Instruments;SN74LV132A;;1;
5V/12V Synchronous Buck PWM DC/DC Controller;Richtek;RT9214;;1;

Iomega Skin

CPU1 brandFLA1RAM1
Iomega StorCenter Pro ix4-300dIntel Atom1,024 MiB
1,073,741,824 B
8,388,608 Kib
1,048,576 KiB
8,192 Mib
1 GiB
4,096 MiB
4,294,967,296 B
33,554,432 Kib
4,194,304 KiB
32,768 Mib
4 GiB
Iomega StorCenter ix2 (NHDD2M)Marvell4 MiB
4,194,304 B
32,768 Kib
4,096 KiB
32 Mib
0.00391 GiB
128 MiB
134,217,728 B
1,048,576 Kib
131,072 KiB
1,024 Mib
0.125 GiB
Iomega StorCenter ix2-200Marvell128 MiB
134,217,728 B
1,048,576 Kib
131,072 KiB
1,024 Mib
0.125 GiB
256 MiB
268,435,456 B
2,097,152 Kib
262,144 KiB
2,048 Mib
0.25 GiB
Iomega StorCenter ix2-dlMarvell1,024 MiB
1,073,741,824 B
8,388,608 Kib
1,048,576 KiB
8,192 Mib
1 GiB
256 MiB
268,435,456 B
2,097,152 Kib
262,144 KiB
2,048 Mib
0.25 GiB
Iomega StorCenter ix4-200dMarvell32 MiB
33,554,432 B
262,144 Kib
32,768 KiB
256 Mib
0.0313 GiB
512 MiB
536,870,912 B
4,194,304 Kib
524,288 KiB
4,096 Mib
0.5 GiB
Iomega StorCenter ix4-300dMarvell512 MiB
536,870,912 B
4,194,304 Kib
524,288 KiB
4,096 Mib
0.5 GiB
Iomega StorCenter px4-300dIntel Atom1,024 MiB
1,073,741,824 B
8,388,608 Kib
1,048,576 KiB
8,192 Mib
1 GiB
2,048 MiB
2,147,483,648 B
16,777,216 Kib
2,097,152 KiB
16,384 Mib
2 GiB
For a list of all currently documented Marvell chipsets with specifications, see Marvell.

Iomega Storcenter Support

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Hard reset instructionsfor Iomega StorCenter ix2 (NHDD2M)

If your StorCenter ix2 (NHDD2M) router is not working as it should, dropping connections or notbeingresponsive, you should first do a reset of the router to see if the problems persist. Otherscenarios where you might want to reset your router is if you've forgotten the password ormisconfigured it and can't get access anymore.
Your can reset your Iomega StorCenter ix2 (NHDD2M) in the following way(s):

The 30-30-30 reset

There are no specific instructions for this model yet, but you can always do the 30-30-30resetas follows:
  1. When router is powered on, press the reset button and hold for 30 seconds. (Use a paperclipor something sharp)
  2. While holding the reset button pressed, unplug the power of the router and hold theresetbutton for 30 seconds
  3. While still holding the reset button down, turn on the power to the unit again and holdforanother 30 seconds.

This process usually works for resetting any router to it's factory setting.
Note: It is worth reading more abouthow to reset routers with the 30 30 30 reset and what the risks andconsiderationsare when resetting your router this way, instead of just rebooting it.