Haas Fire Sprinkler Software


sprinkler system water demand

FireAcad is the best in the sprinkler business for many decades. The fire sprinkler design software program has the best technical support! We are knowledgeable professionals that know sprinkler inside out and are able to help clients in lots of ways. This is why the fire sprinkler system design software program is the best in the market. Fire - Fire Sprinkler System Design. Excellence - Yet Surprisingly Affordable. For over a decade, the Fire program has earned a reputation among professional engineers and designers as a best buy among programs of its kind.

Haas Fire Sprinkler

sprinkler system water demand

Free Fire Sprinkler Software

How does a FPE calculate the fire water demand for a building? For example, a Light Hazard building with 3200 s.f. Using a wet-pipe system and Density/Area Curves in NFPA 13, I'm coming up with 150 gpm (0.10*1500) as a minimum water demand for this building. Assuming hose streams are not required for this example.
Is it safe to tell a FPE to design a sprinkler system for this building using 150 gpm and not go over this number as the pressure at the higher flow is too low? I'm guessing that the FPE would use a computer program such as Haas or something to run the numbers. Does Haas has its own way to calculate water demand for the building?
I have seen a submitted hydraulic calculations where the sprinkler flow is 375.91 gpm for the building using 0.10 gpm/s.f. Not quite sure why the flow is so high and if it's possible to lower the flow.